David Valderrama is husband to His wife, Tsipporah. He is a residential home builder by trade but works less to devote more time to the work of the Gospel.
Since 2001, David has been studying the Bible, has read thousands of pages of ancient Christian literature, devoted his time to witnessing on the streets, and peacefully engaged with students at universities. He has traveled through forty-eight contiguous states and to several other countries sharing the Gospel, encouraging other believers, speaking at small home groups, and bringing relief to those suffering from poverty. He also meets with a few small families in a local home church.
He is a founder and the president of The Blessing of Water Inc., a nonprofit organization providing safe and clean drinking water for those in need. Dozens of water wells have been drilled by the TBOW team since 2018, and medical needs, lifesaving surgeries, and other assistance have also been provided, affecting thousands of people in Bolivia, South America, and Kenya, Africa. Visit The Blessing of Water webpage for more information: www.theblessingofwater.org
He is also a founder and the vice president of Wanted Alive Inc, a nonprofit organization that educates men and women about the miracle of life inside the womb, assists parents facing unexpected pregnancies, and supplies informational resources to connect parents in need with other local organizations near their areas. Visit the Wanted Alive webpage for more information: www.wantedalive.org
On September 10, 2007, after giving away and selling nearly everything he owned, David left Tulsa to carry a twelve-foot-long wooden cross, made from four by four’s, witnessing on the highways and byways. His first trip was from Baltimore, Maryland to St. Augustine, Florida. He never knew where he would end up many evenings, but strangers welcomed him into their homes, he had a place to stay every night, and hearts were beautifully knit together with the thread of the Cross. Some nights he found himself sleeping inside the homes of atheists, hippies, military personnel, drug addicts, Hindus, pastors, or wherever there was a need and open hearts to hear the Gospel. He was privileged to speak in dozens of churches from numerous denominations, at both public and Christian schools, home meetings, halfway homes, in juvenile detention centers, radio stations, television programs, and often on the side of U.S. Highway 1 on the East Coast, where over twenty people at once were sometimes gathered to hear the message of the cross, or to inquire about his mission. He, and others with him, still carry a large wooden cross once and a while. Below is a photo from his first journey.